b'JANUS REFLECTION Three days into Janus, the pacing and sobbing stopped.Smiles appeared.Not long after, someone Better Because of Janus asked me to join the Janus Board, and I did.by Larry Keating, Trustee and former Janus parentOur son not only has a bachelors degree, but a My wife heard about Janus in one of those desper- masters degree as well. He isnt fixed; hes better.ate conversations that mothers have among them- He still has Janus-kid logic.Hes better because of selves when nothing they do for their child seemsJanus.Hes one of the smartest guys I know.Am I to work. glad he went to Janus?Oh, yeah, I always say.After that she told me, We have to visit The JanusAnd Im still on the Board - since the last century! EITC GIVING School. I ask myself when Im up for renewal, Is there anyPA makes it easy for you to support K-12with Janus.Click below to watch the video better use of my time?Nope. education for our underserved studentsthat takes you through the process to get Good, I said. through the Educational Improvement Taxstarted and support Janus through the EITC People often say that the Janus Board is the bestCredit (EITC) program. program. I dont know what else to do, she said.Nothingone they have ever served on.It is. is working.Our son has an IEP, hes on his secondDid you know that if you pay $3,500 orClick here to view the video.tutor, and none of it makes any difference.HeJanus magic isnt just for kids, although that wouldmore in PA State Taxes, you can redirect comes home every day hanging his head, pacing,be enough.Its for all of us.You, me, staff, faculty,up to 90% of that to fund scholarships for circling the house, sobbing.I heard Janus works, soparents, grandparents, and more. students at The Janus School?Individuals we gotta go. with an adjusted gross income of more I ask myself each time my term is up, How am Ithan $115,000 annually qualify for the EITCMany thanks to our community partners.Okay. so fortunate to spend time with some of the bestprogram, but how does it work? Because of them, Janus has received people in the world?I dont know, but Im going with it.You bet.Count me in.Thank you. Tami Clark, Executive Director at Central$175,000 in EITC funding for this fiscal year.Pennsylvania Scholarship Fund, led a webinarTHANK YOU TO OUR COMMUNITY PARTNERSYOUR SUPPORT MAKES A DIFFERENCE. THANK YOU!The Fulton Family FoundationThe Stabler FoundationClark Associates Charitable FoundationThe Leader Family FoundationThe Stuart H. & Marie T. Raub Fund10 |THE JANUS JOURNALSUMMER 2023'