b'TEACHERS ALUMNI UPDATEBest Wishes for Your Next Adventures!Ben SzelesWe will miss Mrs. K and Jonathan Back, but offer our thanks for their many years of dedicated service to our students.Before Janus, I went to a public school, but they didnt have enough teachers who specialize in teaching kids with learning differences.Thats when alumnus Ben Szeles (12) and his parents heard about The Janus School from educational experts. Recently, Ben reflected on his time at Janus, which he attended from 3rd Grade in 2001 until his graduation in 2012.Raised in Harrisburg, Ben is on the autism2002spectrum and is thankful for all the incredibleWhen asked to offer insights teachers who taught and supported him.Hefor Janus students, Ben said, remembers three very well:Rosemary Walker,My advice is no matter what Val Domoto, and Ginger Goudie.challenges come our way, if we set He recalled, Rosemary was my firstour minds to it by working hard homeroom teacher.She was kind and loving toand not being afraid of failing, we everyone, and she understood my needs.Valcan plow right through them.was my tutor who helped me a lot with the areas I was struggling in, and also with social skills.Ginger was my last homeroom teacher who guided me through the internship program TEACHER SPOTLIGHT and got me ready for real-life challenges.Ms. Emily After Janus, Ben learned the basics of carpentry Were turning our spotlight on Lower Division teacher Ms. Emilyat the Hiram G. Andres Center, a trade whos in her 8th year of teaching, which means shes been at Janusschool in Johnstown.He then enrolled in the for eight years!Shes a teacher who wears many hats - LanguageAssociation of Builders and Contractors (ABC) Arts, Math, and Social Studies.Ms. Emily always knew she wantedwhere he learned more advanced carpentry to be a teacher.I love to work with people to find solutionsskills and received on-the-job training while to challenges, and I love nothing more than watching a studentworking for Calabrese Drywall.After four understand something after working hard to figure it out!Whyyears, he graduated from ABC and has been Janus?Her brother attended Janus and graduated in her first year of teaching here.She says, I watched my brother grow into anworking for Calabrese ever since then.amazing young man, and Janus helped him understand himself - his strengths and challenges.I knew Janus was something special. 2023Thank you, Ms. Emily, for your dedication to all our students.Are you an alumnus who has news to share? Do you need to update your contact information? We would love to hear from you. Please contact Tim Steffen at tsteffen@TheJanusSchool.org.8 |THE JANUS JOURNALSUMMER 2023TheJanusSchool.org| 9'