Plan for the Journey After High School

Your future is worth exploring!

Tuesday, March 18 from 6:00 -8:00 pm

The Janus School, 205 Lefever Road, Mount Joy, PA

FREE and open to any students in grades 10 – 12 who want to explore options for after high school graduation

The Janus School will host a post-secondary information fair, featuring booths with resources for education and jobs after high school. This is the perfect opportunity for students and parents to have a conversation about post-secondary options and to engage with the people who will help them on their journey after high school.

There will be representatives present from schools and programs for transition from secondary school into school or the work world. Meet and speak with representatives from:

Associated Builders and Contractors, Inc
CAI Neurodiverse Solutions
Elizabethtown College
The Hiram G. Andrews Center
Kutztown University
Lancaster Dollars for Higher Learning
Lebanon Valley College
Millersville University
PA Office of Vocation and Rehabilitation
Penn State Harrisburg                                                                                                             
Penn State York
Pennsylvania College of Art & Design

Pennsylvania College of Technology
Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology
West Chester Dub-C Autism Program
West Chester University

For more information, please contact us at

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